United Irish Organics

Organic farming in Northern Ireland is perceived as something akin to the activities of Tom and Barbara of The Good Life. As a result, farmers here tend to shun anything alternative and stick to the traditional crop and cattle production. Only 0.85 per cent of land in Northern Ireland is organic.
However, with the assistance of two focused farmers and Greenmount College, farmers in Northern Ireland are following the ‘green’ revolution of organic farming. They can find out first-hand what it involves from David Laughlin and Rex Humphrey.
David was the first producer of organic milk in Northern Ireland and has gone on to help develop the organic milk market. He converted his Kilrea farm in 1999 after he spent time on farms in New Zealand. Rex , a co-pioneer, farms 560 hectares and has specialised in organic dairy, beef and cereals since 1999. With David, he formed the United Irish Organics Company. Their aim is to get more farmers opting for organic.
Certified by the Soil Association