Leggygowan Farm

Leggygowan Farm is a family business. The land is just outside Saintfield in County Down where Adam and Jason Kelly make an array of artisan goaty products. Jason is a qualified plumber who returned from a job with a number of goats in tow so that’s how it all started.
Their standout products is an award-winning blue cheese which scored Bronze in the New Product category at the 2012 International Cheese Awards. Aged for 28 days,
it has a medium strong taste with a subtle goat flavour and sits well on any cheese board.
There is also a fresh soft curd which has a tangy yet mild goat flavour with a creamy texture. It’s equally at home fresh in a salad or cooked within a dish. They sell cartons of goats milk too.
Occasionally they make use of their Granny’s years of culinary experience by getting her to make a goats milk fudge using an old family recipe. It has a similar texture
to tablet fudge but is lactose free and therefore suitable for persons with a dairy intolerance.
Then they also make a soap using their goats milk to utilise the properties within the milk. This soap has proven benefits for sufferers of eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin. They aspire to have a reputation for manufacturing a quality farmhouse product with total traceability.