Cavanagh Free Range Eggs

John and Eileen Hall from Fermanagh built their first hen house in 2001 and over 42,000 free-range birds roaming across the local countryside. They know that contented hens lay great quality eggs so they work hard at creating the best possible environment for them. They’re obviously happy hens because they produce nearly 13 million eggs between them every year.
They keep Lohman Brown and Shaver hens. This is a real family concern. Their two sons are particularly fond of their feathered friends and are always willing to help out on the farm.
In March 2012, they decided to go a step further and set up their own packing centre to grade, pack, market and deliver their own eggs locally and further afield to shops, hotels, restaurants and wholesalers.
The Great Taste Award judges comment was “A good, golden yolk, well rounded, and a firm clean white – a delicious flavour, creamy and deliciously natural.”