Baronscourt Estate

Baronscourt Estate situated in the foothills of the famous Sperrin mountain in County Tyrone is the home of the Duke of Abercorn’s family since 1612. It’s also the home of Ireland’s finest wild venison.
The herd of Japanese Sika deer were initially introduced into a deerpark in 1751, but since 1920 they have existed wild on the estate. They munch on myrtle bog, ryegrass and tasty saplings which are naturally free of any additives or growth promoters.
Apart from being a very lean and succulent meat, low in cholesterol and chock full of protein, Baronscourt Wild Venison is very sustainable. An annual deer count assesses the population and its general health. They then do a selective cull to balance the population against the likely demand for the meat. The estate also produces oven ready pheasants and ducks during the shooting season, all of which are home reared.